The Microsoft Band

Microsoft has released it’s very own fitness band. For the moment it is only available in The States. But many people have touched/seen the band and wrote their experiences online.  It is roughly a wristwatch that shows how far you have walked, your heart rate, and it has it’s own GPS. But people who have worn it say that it is very uncomfortable to wear the watch.


However, I believe that the watch is similar to the band by Adidas. There really isn’t any difference between the two if one decided to compare them except for the fact that it is created by different companies. I think it is cool that a device such as this can tell exactly how much you walked or ran. Now that everyone relies on technology I believe anything is possible.

One comment

  1. Good post. One thing to note is that The States is not proper. You should say the United States and The won’t be capitalized.


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